Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"sit down...for me"

Tonight I tried many ways of putting Kye to bed in her new big girl bed. She loves the new bed, the problem is that as soon as I lay her down, read her a book, sing her a song and pray with her...she is already at the door before I can get up off the floor and leave...(big sigh)!!! After about 3 hours of this show, I finally got firm, laid her down and I went to close the door she said, "just sit down for me" not with me but for me! Her tiny little words touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes...yes...I had all the time in the world to sit down for my baby girl. At that moment bills did not matter, TAKS scores did not matter, the laundry did not matter...Kye mattered!

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Thank you Lord for the small things...especially the ones that weigh 25 pounds, with dark brown eyes, dark hair, and a smile that will melt your heart! AMEN!


Shana Banana said...

Amen sister!! I definitely have time for that! I didn't know you were a blogger!!! I will add you to my favs!!!

Jana said...

Thanks for leaving thoughtful comments on our blog--it has been fun hearing from you.

Your children are beautiful, as is their very special mama.

Blessings to all of you,
Jana Anderson